There is a window circuit if I recall.... You need to check this out...
The game software tells the vector generator to draw two points (either corner) to define the window size.
Anything drawn outside of this done with zero intensity.
It draws two windows iirc... One for the Game Screen, and one for the HIgh Score Section (Which could be the whole screen ?)
Regards, Colin
--- On Thu, 12/3/09, Chris Brooks <> wrote:
From: Chris Brooks <>
Subject: RE: VECTOR: Battlezone Question
Date: Thursday, 12 March, 2009, 10:57 AM
This is part of the game programming, and is as designed. There is no hardware that differentiates between upper screen and lower screen formats or areas, like there is on say Pac Man… For vectors, its just a list of drawing points in memory.
So you indeed still have a boardset that works perfectly!
Chris Brooks
From: Matt Rossiter []
Sent: Thursday, March 12, 2009 1:50 AM
To: Vectorlist
Subject: VECTOR: Battlezone Question
I have a boardset that works perfectly except for one strange thing.
Normally in the red area where you see the score and warning messages, you don't see things like exploding tank parts, missiles dropping out of the sky, the screen cracks, etc. On this board you can see everything in the red area.
Although it looks pretty cool, I'm wondering what part of the circuitry limits the playground area and the score/messages area? It seems like there should be some "Y" limitation. I notice that the screen gets really bright in attract mode right before the Battlezone logo scrolls up. Which means to me the beam is already turned on before the Battlezone logo is visible on the screen.
Maybe a bad counter?
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