A/R II voltage running up

From: Kirk Spradling <kspradling_at_kc.rr.com>
Date: Sun Mar 22 2009 - 17:16:44 EDT


Rebuilding my Tempest P/S after noticing the voltage was at 6.05 volts.
Attempted to adjust it and could only get down to 5.4vdc. Installed the Bob
Roberts shotgun repair kit, big blue replacement, new pcb and harness
connector kit and am still having the same issues. Measuring a voltage drop
of about 0.125 on the +5vdc from P/S to Game PCB and less than .02 on the
gnd. No burn marks on the pcb and edge connectors are in good shape.

Who knows anything about looking for issues in the feedback system? Should
I just start lifting resistors in the feedback area and taking readings to
see if any have gone open? The pot does adjust the voltage, it just won't
go down any further. Have tested all diodes on that side as well.


Kirk S.

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Received on Sun Mar 22 17:16:48 2009

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