Re: "Clay Cowgill's" pincushion corrector

From: Andre Huijts <>
Date: Sun Apr 12 2009 - 03:29:31 EDT

Hah, kinda forgot you were posting here Clay :D

It's strange that I have this poor pincushion (it's actually worse
than in your picture) while I'm running a 100% original Amplifone set-
up in my cockpit. Every board in there has the same serial nr.

I've recently worked on a WG6100 with 25" tube and had that running on
my cockpit too (with an extension cable) and it showed the same
pincushion, which is not all that strange since the same yokes are on
both monitors and the yoke is supposed to be "correcting" the

I've completely converged the WG6100 and there's not much you can do
about the pincushion with the yoke.

I will be putting the 25" WG back in the cockpit of my friend today
and will have a look at how his pincushion is. He also has an upright
with a 19" Amplifone and I'll have a look at that too.

So, do you have any Rev.3 left ? I need at least one (maybe a

While we're talking SW, any progress on the new SW/ESB kit with the
extra's ?

Cheers, André ("Level42")

Op 12 apr 2009, om 02:39 heeft Clay Cowgill het volgende geschreven:

>> Has anyone uses this:
>> on his SW ?
> I do. ;-)
>> It clearly is a "rip off" of the pincushion control circuit
>> of Tempest as it also uses the MP1495. (and it's described in
>> Jed Margolin's XY docs).
> Yeah, it's pretty close. I was actually working from the Major
> Havok->Tempest adapter as a starting point. I did add an adjustable
> amount
> of "correction" by a pot and some LEDs to monitor the power rails,
> but it's
> 95% the same as the Major Havok->Tempest corrector board if I recall
> correctly.
>> My SW has a pretty bad pincushion problem (much like the
>> first picture on that link, but I think it's even worse).
> Man... Those pictures were pretty bad weren't they? ;-) Ahh, the
> days
> before digital cameras! (Those were shot on a disposable film
> camera and
> scanned on a flat-bed scanner at work and then processed in
> Photoshop to get
> some contrast and color back in!)
>> I think it should be easy enough to build something like this
>> myself ?
> Sure. Finding the MC1495's can be a little expensive (they're like ~
> $10/ea
> in singles here in the US).
> Zonn had a new implementation on the ZVG that used a
> transconductance amp
> (if I recall correctly) instead of the MC1495's. Since I bought
> 1000 of the
> 1495's back in the day I just keep using 'em. They work. ;-) The
> implementation on the ZVG was cool though. I never tried it,
> personally.
> I did a "revision 4" PCB layout of the display corrector last summer
> because
> I still get occasional requests for them (I can't remember if I ever
> ordered
> boards or not though-- I did a short run of the old Tempest
> Multigame kits
> instead and ran out of time for fun projects for the year.) I got the
> design down to about the size of an LV-2000 (about 2" x 1") while
> keeping
> 0805 resistors and single-sided parts (and the kind-of big
> potentiometers).
> -Clay
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André Huijts

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