Tempest Tech Perfect self test, but strange vectors in gameplay

From: Malcolm Mackenzie <maxstang_at_sbcglobal.net>
Date: Sat Aug 29 2009 - 10:28:22 EDT

So... Yet another Tempest post.  I have a Tempest board that I've been fighting with for a while.  Came to me Dead.  I've replaced most of the RAM and the ROMs as well as making sure the AUX board and interconnect cable are functioning correctly. 
It's up and running now.  Passes self test and displays all the selftest screens beautifully.  When I switch to game mode, however, the display flashes odd looking, large vectors and some of the sprites look odd, but the text looks great.  After a few seconds of flashing, the spot killer comes on and the screen goes black.
Anyone have any ideas?  I'd say I have a problem with vector scaling, but then why isn't the text  or the self test affected?  Are the game vectors and text handled by different areas of the board?  Thanks for any and all help. -Malcolm
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Received on Sat Aug 29 10:28:25 2009

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