Asteroids T/S

From: Kevin Moore <>
Date: Sun Dec 20 2009 - 13:04:04 EST

OK so I'm working on an Asteroids board.
I'm still pretty new at this and learning more each day, but I would like
some feedback/help/teaching on what I'm doing sofar

First thing I do is check voltages. Good
Next I pull all the Roms, and Check Good
Then I use a Fluke 9010 to check the fluke sigs on the roms. Good
I did do a Ram test from 3000-4000, with the fluke, I'm not sure if I this
is testing all of the ram or not. But that area did check good.
Put board in test mode, everything looks good, no beeps no errors.
Put the board in game mode, get fast blink, and watchdog barking
GND watchdog dis, No go.
I pull pin 1 of L6 DMAGO watchdog still barking.
So now it's down to MPU problem, and maybe VSM right?

Ionpool has listed the following for MPU problems
Check the ROMS, RAM and especially the 74LS245 (or AM83048) at E2 (E3 on
Well I know the roms are good, and I'm not getting beeps in test mode for
Ram, and it appears everything that should be toggling on the AM83048 is

But shouldn't using the fluke to run sigs on the roms eliminate the problems
with the bus transceiver at E3?

That would mean that the problem lies in the VSM right?

So now I'm to the point where I'm asking for some assistance.



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