RE: Omega Race

From: <>
Date: Mon Apr 12 2010 - 16:31:46 EDT

I *think* that the 6 second thing may be due to the vector generator
getting screwed up. I have aboard doing the same thing, last I looked
at it. I never did track it down.


[] On Behalf Of Kevin Moore
Sent: Monday, April 12, 2010 4:29 PM
Subject: Re: VECTOR: Omega Race

Well Long test turned up nothing.

However. PB Junkie might be correct. I pulled the 5101 and It's no
longer in a constant state of reset. Now it will reset every 6 seconds
or so. But I'm seeing some output on my O-scope now!! WOOT. Making some

Thanks Mike..

I'll keep digging and see what else I can find.

On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 3:14 PM, <> wrote:

        Yup. I would also pull the settings ram (5101 at S4) just in
case. I seem to recall some peanut-brittle junkie out there claiming
the a bad 5101 was causing some havoc, and it is harder to test on the
        Once everything passes Fluke tests, and it still dogs, you have
to dig into the cpu signals and power conditioning, me thinks.


[] On Behalf Of Kevin Moore
        Sent: Monday, April 12, 2010 4:08 PM
        Subject: Re: VECTOR: Omega Race
        Good point on the long test.
        The areas I'm testing are
        Those the two you talking about?
        They are all socketed so I pulled and checked them with my BK
575 first. That's when I found the open traces eaten by battery acid. :(
Replaced sockets, and re-bridged bad traces. There were only a couple of
bad spots.
        On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 3:00 PM, <>

                Make sure you do the ram tests on both banks, and do the
long test! I had one pass the short test on the vector ram, but failed
the long test!


[] On Behalf Of Kevin Moore
                Sent: Monday, April 12, 2010 3:56 PM
                Subject: VECTOR: Omega Race
                Ok so I'm working on an Omega Race. My first one..
                Cleaned up the Acid damage, and my fluke now reports
nothing but good things for the Ram/Rom/and Bus check..
                However my CPU is still watch dogging. Is there any
repair info out there, or where should I go from here?
                BTW I hate Midway Schematics..

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