Any ratbox progress from long ago?

From: Werner Sharp <>
Date: Sat Jul 10 2010 - 09:56:01 EDT

Hi all,

Long ago there was some talk of a PC based Fluke 9010/Catbox type device. Has there been any updates for this since 2003?

On a related note, does anyone have a FPGA "starter kit" recommendation that would work as a logic analyzer and/or catbox type device (with lots of programming) for Atari boards? I ran across this site which implements a logic analyzer using a XIlinx spartan chip:

The latest Spartan 3 Starter Kit seems way overcomplicated for a logic analyzer or catbox like interface. I think I basically need a FPGA with a good chunk of RAM for sample storage plus 24-32+ data I/o points to access the address/data buses on the Atari diagnostic header. Something with a USB interface would be nice. I have an cheapo parallel port PC-based logic analyzer I used in the past but it only has 2 kb worth of sample storage and can't be customized at all. I'd like to have something like that with more sample storage, the ability to test RAM/ROM ala a Fluke and be accessible via a modern PC, etc.

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