I have had this on proper 19" amp crt's with the proper yoke. I also had this on a raster lately.. G07 I believe. Can't offer you much advice other than to take it all off, and start over.. I seem to almost always get a different result swapping rings, or at least re-doing the yoke from purity on..and many times for the slightly better. If you have a second yoke, maybe try that. Take some impedence readings to see if they vary because I would really like to know the cause as well.. its pretty irritating/exasperating.
Doubt your tubes are different angles.. and I also have a Gravitar that came with a factory amplifone setup, but had a standard res crt in it. Resolution doesn't make a dif.
--- On Sat, 7/17/10, Andre Huijts <a.huijts@upcmail.nl> wrote:
> From: Andre Huijts <a.huijts@upcmail.nl>
> Subject: VECTOR: 25" LOW res CRT on Star Wars
> To: vectorlist@vectorlist.org
> Received: Saturday, July 17, 2010, 9:36 AM
> This is now the 2nd machine I'm
> working on that has a LOW res tube instead of a med-res that
> is supposed to be in there.
> The FIRST machine I worked on has a WG6100 chassis.
> The SECOND has an Amplifone chassis, but as mentioned BOTH
> have low res CRTs.
> Now, whatever I try, I cannot get these things to converge
> at least a BIT nicely.
> Using the test-raster screen ,the main issue is that blue
> is UNDER the horizontal white lines on the top, but is ABOVE
> the horizontal white lines on the bottom. Whatever I
> try, I cannot solve this because if I make it correct on the
> top part of the screen, it will become worse on the bottom
> part and vice versa.
> Now, my theory is that the yoke is probably not set-up for
> a 25" low-res tube that may have a different angle than the
> mid-res tube. Could that be the cause ?
> Or could it be that we are using a wrong or to weak
> convergence ring-set ?
> Regretfully the typenr. of the used CRT is torn-off so I
> can't see if it's 90 or 100 degrees.
> André
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