RE: Last desperate try: Pincushion Correctors

From: Clay Cowgill <>
Date: Fri Jul 23 2010 - 00:41:37 EDT

Hey André (and everyone),

I've actually been selling these latest revision ones for a while now, but
I've only been trickling them out when people directly e-mail me for them--
I've only had time to break up the panels into little blocks of six units at
a time. :-P

We're pushing back our remodel at Ground Kontrol until after summer (to
avoid clobbering some of the busiest months during 'summer vacation'), so it
looks like I might be able to book a little time in the semi-near future and
build up a reasonable quantity one weekend. (I could do a run at the
assembly house over in Oregon that we use, but when I add up buying a
solderpaste stencil, paying for setup, and then the per board assembly cost,
it'd probably raise the price another ~$10/ea, so I've been trying to avoid

Whoever wants any-- E-mail me with a rough count (I don't remember what I
said the price would be for Vectorlist... $20/ea?) just so I can get a feel
for how many I need to shoot for. Your count doesn't need to be spot on,
just give me an idea so I can plan out how many to run. ("1-2" or "3+" or
whatever is fine-- I'll do some spares anyway, but I won't spend the time
making 50 if people only need 20. ;-)


> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Andre Huijts
> Sent: Thursday, July 22, 2010 1:42 PM
> To:
> Subject: VECTOR: Last desperate try: Pincushion Correctors
> Dear Clay, _ p-l-e-a-s-e_ can you make the much wanted
> Pincushion Corrector a reality ?
> Even the bare boards would be enough for me.
> I've seen a LOT of people who are annoyed by the bad
> pincushion so there sure is a market for these ! I offer to
> distribute them in Europe if you want.
> Thanks,
> André
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Received on Fri Jul 23 00:41:45 2010

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