Re: 2SD525R sub?

From: Rodger Boots <>
Date: Tue Aug 17 2010 - 01:28:30 EDT

NTE54 is about the same (cowards couldn't bother to give a maximum HFE
spec?). OR you could just buy a 2SD525 from MCM Electronics for $1.59 (or
$1.40 if you get at least 10---or $1.20 if you get at least 25). Turns out
all a 2SD525R is is a 2SD525 with the worst HFE of the bunch. You can see
it all HERE <>.

(2SD525 has an HFE of 40 to 240, these are split into 3 ranges. 40 to 80
becomes the 2SD525R, 70 to 140 becomes the 2SD525O, 120 to 240 becomes the
2SD525Y). ALL of these cross to the NTE54.

On Sat, Aug 14, 2010 at 8:22 AM, Total Impulse <>wrote:

> The V2000 monitors use a 2SD525R at Q903 on the high voltage board. NTE54
> comes up in a cross reference search as a possible substitute for 2SD525R.
> Comparing the data sheets, it looks to me like it should work. However, I
> was wondering if anyone has a second opinion, or a better recommendation?
> Thanks,
> Alan
> --
> Total Impulse - Just Having Fun!
> Alan Estenson,
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