Well, I've never tried it but I dont see why you couldn't adapt another coil by either using one with similar properties to the original or by butchering the decausing coil and circuit from another monitor and supplying it with the appropriate power supply since I though it was a seperate circuit. . From an intial testing pooint of view I've seen plenty of (raster) monitors with the coild disconnected presumably because the posistor (or whatever) was duff. I think fitting a dag spring would be a very good idea though; isn't that effectively a coil of spring wire used as an earthing point for the 'aquadag' on the back of the tube? Therefore it's presence is important though I reckon a spring of another 25" tube of similar dimensions could be adapted.
----- Original Message -----
From: boergi
To: vectorlist@vectorlist.org
Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2010 10:21 AM
Subject: VECTOR: Amplifone 25" vector monitor degauss coil
I'm looking for some monitor parts for my Star Wars cockpit.
Here is what I already found:
- NOS 25" tube
- WG6100 deflection coil and convergence rings
- HV- and deflection PCB's with cables (tested, working according the seller)
The missing parts are:
Can anybody help me there?
Can I take a degauss coil from another monitor?
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Received on Fri Sep 17 11:07:16 2010
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