RE: Star Wars vector issues (6100)

From: Barry Shilmover <>
Date: Tue Jan 04 2011 - 18:32:29 EST

I would recommend capping it.

I had an Amplifone board that did something similar...


From: [] On Behalf Of Scott Zeiser
Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2011 3:29 PM
Subject: VECTOR: Star Wars vector issues (6100)

Happy New Year everybody...

I picked up a Star Wars with a 6100 a while back - I'm just getting around to messing with it. Right now I've got some vertical stretching/distortion, as well as a couple vector-related issues in spots:

Stretching in the center of Y axis, compressed on top and bottom: (stretching is most obvious in this pic)

Vector "tearing": (bottom part of the "I" on "Insert" is falling off)

I know pincushion is an artifact of Star Wars on a 6100, but this center bowing/distortion is different. It's only on the Y axis as you can see in the first pic. It's also definitely a board-related issue - I've had my SW hooked up to another 6100 and the issue showed up on both. Has anyone seen this before, and if so, where can I start to fix it?

This brings up a second question: is it worth capping vector boards? For the distortion, I'm guessing this *might* be cap-related on the AVG board, and DAC related for the vector tearing... Suggestions?

I've tried the obvious monitor & board adjustments - BIP adjustments, etc.

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Received on Tue Jan 4 18:32:33 2011

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