Hello Andre-
No, I have not posted on KLOV yet. I don't see how the tube resolution could have anything to do with it...Tube ID is A63ADG25X.
--- On Sun, 3/13/11, Andre Huijts <a.huijts_at_upcmail.nl> wrote:
> From: Andre Huijts <a.huijts_at_upcmail.nl>
> Subject: Re: VECTOR: Calling all convergence experts, wizards, and gurus
> To: vectorlist_at_vectorlist.org
> Date: Sunday, March 13, 2011, 4:31 PM
> That looks EXAXTLY like the problem I
> have with a friend's Amplifone set-up with a LOW-res
> tube....I actually blamed the Low-res tube for it....
> Just like you, the green is the color to be ABOVE the blue
> and red on the top of the screen, and BELOW on the bottom
> side....
> Drove me nuts and I never solved it....
> Could the convergence magnets be loosing their magnetism a
> bit ?
> Andre (Is this one also posted on the KLOV forum Scott ?
> Op 13 mrt 2011, om 16:45 heeft Scott McGovern het volgende
> geschreven:
> > I've filtered through many previous posts on here, but
> I am hoping that my questions can elicit some more tutorial
> like suggestions to fix my convergence issue. I am
> putting together a 25" "amplifone" vector monitor to go into
> my Star Wars cockpit de-conversion. Like others have
> done previously, I am using a 100deg 25" medium resolution
> tube, wells gardner 6100 yoke, and amplifone deflection/high
> voltage pcbs. Here is a zoomed out pic of what I've
> been able to accomplish (all pic links are 800px wide):
> >
> > https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/_xUpoDi3iW5A/TXzhVLoALpI/AAAAAAAAAXM/ZZaFJs4CH7s/s800/IMG_5659.JPG
> >
> > As you can see all three colors are pretty well
> converged left/right/up/down in the center (although you can
> see the green starting to diverge towards the bottom in this
> center close up pic):
> >
> > https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/_xUpoDi3iW5A/TXzhXESrx0I/AAAAAAAAAXU/8v-Bl80793k/s800/IMG_5661.JPG
> >
> > I have the red/blue pretty well converged
> everywhere. However, I cannot get the green to lay on
> top of the red/blue near the top and bottom edges. In
> addition to a small vertical offset, the green does not bow
> inward to the screen's center as much as the red/blue does:
> >
> > https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/_xUpoDi3iW5A/TXzhVEAv4JI/AAAAAAAAAXI/vDQHCusMe-g/s800/IMG_5662.JPG
> >
> > The sides are fairly well converged, though (certainly
> better than the top/bottom):
> >
> > https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/_xUpoDi3iW5A/TXzhVEpTPdI/AAAAAAAAAXE/RtI1qd-7ylk/s800/IMG_5666.JPG
> >
> > OK. So here are the questions. What can I
> do to get the green to lay on top of the red/blue on the top
> and bottom edges? I cannot seem to get there by
> adjusting the convergence rings. And, further yoke
> movement left/right/up/down from where I am seems to undo
> the work to get the red/blue to pretty much align well
> everywhere. I've also tried moving the rings
> forward/backward relative to the yoke and re-adjusting them,
> but I can't get that to do the trick either.
> >
> > At this point, am I just down to working with the
> strips and chevron magnets (I have a good supply of
> both)? If so, are there any tutorials or step-by-step
> instructions for *how* to use these to achieve convergence
> on the top and bottom? So far, my experiments where I
> am just moving them around never gets all three colors to
> align (most of the time it looks like I am undoing what I
> have). And, both the strips and chevron magnets seem
> to have more impact on the corners than the center of the
> edges, which is where my biggest convergence issue is.
> >
> > Any help or suggestings are greatly appreciated!
> I want to get this monitor converged and placed back into
> the cabinet so I can play Star Wars again.
> >
> > Thanks in advance
> >
> > Scott
> >
> >
> >
> >
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> André Huijts
> andre.huijts_at_upcmail.nl
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