I'd suggest tapr license which limits to nor more than 10 pcbs per licensee
Batchpcb might also be a good place for ppl to buy the bare pcb
Sent from Zitt's iPhone
On Mar 15, 2011, at 5:30 PM, Zonn <mlists@zonn.com> wrote:
> Hi Tim (and all),
> We're not quite ready to release the design just yet, but if / when we decide to kill the ZVG, I will open source the hardware / firmware. I won't let it just fade away into obscurity... I'll let it fight its way into obscurity!
> -Zonn
> On 3/15/2011 2:49 PM, Tim Matthews wrote:
>> Hi Zonn,
>> I placed an order this afternoon so hopefully I got in before they'd all been allocated, but myself and some fellow arcade collectors had been wondering (prior to this announcement) about the feasibility of reproducing the ZVG if you were no longer interested in making them any more.
>> I just wondered if you had any thoughts on this? Our intention was to do this in limited quantities so that people who really wanted them could obtain one, not to go into mass production and make thousands of them. Would there be any interest on your part about us doing this? If this ever got off the ground we would be selling them at cost as this is strictly not for profit - it's about getting them into the hands of VACers who need them but have been unable to buy any of the limited stocks, so we would be quite happy to agree some licensing agreement but the margin would be slim i.e. basically whatever you wanted in terms of licensing costs would be added to the unit price.
>> Is this a complete no-go or would you possibly be interested?
>> thanks,
>> tim
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: Zonn <mlists@zonn.com>
>> Date: 15 March 2011 21:22
>> Subject: VECTOR: Last run of ZVGs
>> To: vectorlist@vectorlist.org
>> Hey all,
>> We're populating the last of our ZVG PCBs, and this has to be our last run. Some parts are becoming hard to get, and the cost of assembly is getting high.
>> We found 42 ZVG PCBs and were able to get all the parts we needed. They're currently being manufactured and, since I'm keeping two of them, 40 will shipping in 2 to 3 weeks.
>> The website is taking orders now (zektor.com/zvg), and we're selling them on a first come first serve basis.
>> We're making these because we found these PCBs while doing some spring cleaning, but we're not going to have any more PCBs made, so this it!
>> We're also out of Vectrex cables and won't be making anymore, but they're easy to make and all the info, including Digikey part numbers, is available online in the download section.
>> -Zonn
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Received on Tue Mar 15 21:30:34 2011
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