Hi Guys,
Tried this Glass Jar trick today with a G05-802 HV unit and it worked
Powered up from a Bench Power Supply 20V + 20V in series to give 40V Supply.
Needed about 500mA , and gingerly turned up the current limiting on my psu
expecting a puff of smoke......
Posted some pics up.... It works !!!!
I would not have thought that this would would work, due to not having the
capactance of the tube in place, But after reading this post, I thought I'd
Nice Heathy Voltages :) - Easy Peasy :)
Thanks for sharing this Andy.
Cheers, Colin
----- Original Message -----
From: "Andrew Welburn" <andy@andysarcade.net>
To: <vectorlist@vectorlist.org>
Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2011 6:12 PM
Subject: VECTOR: 6100 HV box repair log...
> hi all..
> Well, i was successful powering up the WG6100 HV outside of the monitor
> tube/frame, and not connected to anthing thanks to the confident words i
> got from people on here :) I made up a pair of transistors on a plug-in
> harness bolted to some heatsinks, this meant the LV supply on the
> deflection was powered and running to the HV box throughthe normal
> connections.
> This HV box did nothing when powered up, +/-28v input was fine, there was
> no B+ output (and therefore no HV).
> I firstly replaced all the caps (someone had capkitted it in the past with
> horrible cheap 85' caps very badly), C901 had vented in the recent past,
> and i found its corresponding 2.2ohm resistor (R901) to be measuring
> 160k... so i replaced it and the box jumped into life, but I was reading
> 30kv at the anode. The HV pot would not adjust this, the B+ was actually
> stuck at 290v but steady.
> I found Q901 was shorted emitter to collector, and Q902 was measuring with
> leaky junctions... So I replaced those and the anode voltage dropped
> almost in half, it was now adjustable between 14.8kv and 17.3kv (B+ was
> 158v @ 17.3kv maximum) ...
> So, the B+ is a bit lower than it should be, i went straight to ZD901 (13v
> Zener) and replaced it on a whim, and bingo... the HV now adjusts between
> 17kv and 23kv. I cranked it back to 19.5kv as it should be...
> All fixed! I'm very pleased with myself, just thought i'd share, and say
> thanks to those of you who encouraged me to hook up the HV to my probe
> inside a Branston Pickle (glass) jar out of harms way :)
> enjoy...
> --
> Andrew Welburn
> http://www.andys-arcade.com
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