Re: Tempest debugging

From: Alan McCormick <>
Date: Sun Aug 07 2011 - 00:31:40 EDT

The solder joints on the pins for the interboard connector often crack and cause all sorts of gremlins. Resolder them with a 60w iron and add a touch of new solder so the flux renews the joint. I usually do this with the connector still connected so the pins don't wobble and become misaligned.

As for the I/O and sound issues, I'd bet the POKEYs are to blame. I always use a dremel with a wire brush to clean the oxide off the pins to get them functional. If the chips still don't work after that, you'll probably need to replace them. You might also want to dremel the big mathbox chips as well.

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Received on Sun Aug 7 00:31:43 2011

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