Whoops - hit send too soon. Should read as follows
"If you do eventually try the pin cleaning, find a Craftsman brand
screwdriver with a square shaft. Hold the chip against the flat shaft so the pins don't bend back and use a GENTLE wiping motion (from the top/chip end to the bottom tip and NEVER the other way)
on the pins. I rarely lose any pins unless they had physical damage (ie
pin rot or folds).
From: Alan McCormick <weirdal1968_at_yahoo.com>
To: "vectorlist_at_vectorlist.org" <vectorlist_at_vectorlist.org>
Sent: Sunday, August 14, 2011 9:09 AM
Subject: Re: VECTOR: Heisenbugs in my Tempest
If you do eventually try the pin cleaning, find a Craftsman brand screwdriver with a square shaft. Hold the chip against the flat shaft so the pins don't bend back and use a GENTLE wiping motion (up and down) on the pins. I rarely lose any pins unless they had physical damage (ie pin rot or folds).
Personally I'd clean them and if the problem never returns then you're golden. Given that its working NOW, a pin cleaning rule out the chips and only leave the possibility of a flaky socket. IME intermittent problems rarely *permanently* disappear without any work. Entropy simply does not work that way...
+1 for the Heisenbug reference :)
From: Christopher X. Candreva <chris_at_westnet.com>
To: vectorlist_at_vectorlist.org
Sent: Saturday, August 13, 2011 8:57 PM
Subject: VECTOR: Heisenbugs in my Tempest
The recent posts about cleaning POKEY pins inspired me to try to fix my
Tempest tonight. It had all the symptoms fo either bad or dirty POKEYs, or
at least it did as I recall.
Because when I went to turn it on toinight for a pre-teardown test, the
*!@&!@! thing had the gall to just WORK ! :-)
As I recall the problems were no enmies ever comming up and the spinner
continualy spinning on it's
own. However it had been a while.
So I have a delima: Pull the chips and clean them anyway, or wait for it to
break again ?
Chris Candreva -- chris_at_westnet.com -- (914) 948-3162
WestNet Internet Services of Westchester
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Received on Sun Aug 14 10:16:03 2011
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