WG Display Correctors - Ok, I'll get the order going!

From: Clay Cowgill <c.cowgill_at_comcast.net>
Date: Tue Aug 16 2011 - 16:35:09 EDT

Ok, looks like we'll hit 25 even if we have some fallout between now and
when they're done.
I'll reserve a spot in the work queue at the assembly house and start
pulling the necessary files and stuff together. It sounds like it'll be at
least two weeks before they have a build slot open so I'll guess early Sept.
for me to get boards in hand and finish the through-hole assembly and test
'em out. (I'll probably need a weekend or two to do that.) Maybe mid-Sept.
I'll post here again when they're done-- no need to send payment prior to
that time (and it'll confuse me if you do, so resist the temptation! ;-)

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