K6100 T901

From: <akswanson_at_ntelos.net>
Date: Sun Aug 28 2011 - 09:20:00 EDT

        One of my 6100s had a fire on the HV board, took out R917 and Q905. 
I replaced those, and got smoke again.. Comparing the resistance of the
primary of T901 to a known working T901 I get 9.5 Ohms on the suspected
bad one and 17 ohms on the known good one.  I get the feeling I
melted the varnish on the wiring and shorted them together..  Does
anyone know where (or have) and extra T901?   Also, Is there a
secondary cause, such as a flyback failure that would cause this kind of
failure?    I dont want to blow the dang thing again..



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Received on Sun Aug 28 09:20:03 2011

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