I followed your great video to a T.. it worked really well.
I got dos 6.22 going and the sblive card working. I installed the old
dos based Wolfenstein 3d
and the sound card tested out perfectly. The game ran really slow for
som reason though.
When I run DVmame with no sound.. it works great. Star wars comes up
right away. When I try
choosing 1 for the soundblaster card. It blows up with a divide by
zero error and outputs a big stack trace.
So something is wrong with DVmame.. at least for me. I made sure the
binaries were correct. I
copied everything from the disk that came with the ZVG card.
Any thoughts?
Anyone know who I could reach out to for help on this?
On Wed, Oct 5, 2011 at 9:18 AM, Al Warner <alw@alsarcade.com> wrote:
> I just made a quick video on how to set up DOS 6.22 with a Pentium 4 PC to
> run VectorMAME. I posted the video at:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HADIfQgzT9Q
> I'll be doing a follow up video on the configuration of VectorMAME and then
> additional videos on getting it running in a cabinet.
> Opinions are always welcome.
> Thanks,
> -Al Warner-
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Received on Sat Oct 8 00:35:44 2011
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