Re: Analog section? Or alaphanum

From: Kevin Moore <>
Date: Thu Dec 29 2011 - 21:03:14 EST

Thanks Tim. I'll start digging in to that. I had starting reading up on
what might be the problem, and I managed to get as you put it "What's
causing the scale problem? " and that's when my brain went all wonky. lol..

I'm still learning about these things. I hope to have a better
understanding, but I don't think I will ever be at most of yall's level.


On Thu, Dec 29, 2011 at 7:08 PM, teeray <> wrote:

> This problem is in the timer section (Scale) or timer control.
> This is one where just making sure the inputs and outputs are toggling
> is not going to find the problem. You're going to have to make sure the
> gates
> are outputting the correct value for the given input condition.
> Looking at this, it draws "A" then moves over and starts drawing "B" half
> way through
> the scale gets changed, finishes draw "B" at wrong scale which throws off
> X and Y position.
> Then moves over and draws "C" from the current XY position, like it should
> do.
> XY position is working correctly, it's off because the scale was wrong
> while drawing "B".
> What's causing the scale problem?
> Wrong value got loaded in the LS161's or counting wrong?
> F10 LS191 counting wrong?
> Improper DVX11, 12 or DVY11, 12 ?
> Improper OP1 or /OP1
> etc.
> Tim
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kevin Moore **
> Sent: Dec 30, 2011 12:34 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: VECTOR: Analog section? Or alaphanum
> Well replacement of the AM6012's and DAC08 made no difference.
> Kevin
> **
> On Thu, Dec 29, 2011 at 5:57 PM, Mendel Pearl <> wrote:
>> Can you make the text align OK, disregarding the geometry of the diamond
>> pattern?
>> I had a few games that did just that, perfect diamond or perfect text but
>> never at the same BIP settings. In all cases one of the the AM6012 DAC's
>> was defective. I would guess that if this is the case your Y DAC looks
>> suspect. If the DAC is bad enough, it can distort the reference current
>> sources output, thereby affecting the X output as well.
>> - Mendel
>> On 29-12-2011 21:44, Kevin Moore wrote:
>> Thanks for the input. But looking at the screen, I've adjust the bip to
>> move the diamond pattern to touch the edges of the box. Wouldn't that also
>> adjust any text problem.
>> If you look at the text it is in line, but the curved sections of the
>> just B and D are wrong, kind of like the scale is messed up in the alphanum
>> for those two specific letters.
>> Unless I'm not understanding how the bip works which is highly possible.
>> Kevin
>> On Thu, Dec 29, 2011 at 9:43 AM, Mendel Pearl <> wrote:
>>> Your BIP adjustment is way off. If you cannot correct the problem using
>>> the BIP adjusts on the game PCB, your 6012 DAC or DAC reference current
>>> input is suspect.
>>> - Mendel
>>> On 29-12-2011 1:48, Kevin Moore wrote:
>>>> Put the BZ on hold and put a Red Baron on the bench.
>>>> Sorry for the backwards picture. For some reason when this analog board
>>>> draws the letter B and the letter D the scale is off and it drops the text
>>>> down to the last place drawn. Kind of like going to the next line.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Kevin
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