Hello all!
So, I've got my vector monitor (or at least the post office does; I have to
go pick it up), and I've been investigating ways to control it. So far, the
ZVG seems like the best / only option. However, they seem to be hard to
come by, and a bit out of my price range, not to mention the fact that they
just aren't being made anymore. Making it even more complicated, I don't
even have a PC with a parallel port (only a macbook). Instead, I've come up
with several other options, which I will talk about below.
Using the schematic that's available online, I've managed to re-enter the
whole thing into EagleCAD, and have begun to design my own board for it,
using only through-hole parts (because I don't have the patience / skill to
solder SMDs). So far, only the power supply area is done, because I don't
want to put too much effort into it before getting some more information
about the whole thing. I'm doing this only because it would cost me $100 to
print the board, and then $50 in parts, which is about $100 less than I'd
end up paying for an original ZVG. There is one snag though: basically, I
need the firmware that goes on the two Atmel chips. Without that, I might
as well not even bother. So, I've come up with some solutions to that
problem. Here's what I've been thinking:
*Option 1: *I somehow manage to get ahold of Zonn (no luck with that so
far), and somehow convince him to open-source the firmware (something he
talked about here<http://www.ukvac.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=328991&PID=752487&SID=5dbcd2zb-da95-5c822ae9-cezbbae5-3z84c2e1&title=zektor-zvg-limited-run-hurry#752487>,
about a year ago). With access to the actual code, I could pretty easily
convert it to communicate over USB. With Zonn's permission, I would then
open source the entire thing, and thus you all would have a lovely new
open-source USB-enabled ZVG. This, I think, is the best option, as I don't
need anyone to dump the firmware for me, I don't need to logic probe the
thing and figure out what's being sent over the parallel port, and I don't
need to program an interpreter to convert the thing into USB.
*Option 2*: Someone with a ZVG solders up headers to J5 and J6, and uses an
AVR programmer to read off the firmware and sends it to me as a hex file. I
can then use this to program my own atmel chips, and proceed. However, this
will make it difficult for me to get around the parallel port problem
without a large amount of logic-probing and then adding another
microcontroller to convert the signals being sent to the parallel port into
signals I can send over USB. In order to keep Zonn's IP safe, I'd keep the
whole thing to myself. Still, this feels shady.
*Option 3: *I buy a ZVG from someone, dump the firmware myself, then sell
it back to someone else. This feels just as shady, maybe more, than option
What do you all think about all of this? I'd love to get the ball rolling
on this, preferably on option 1 if anyone knows how to get ahold of Zonn.
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