RE: Atari Tempest issue

From: David Shoemaker <>
Date: Sat May 12 2012 - 18:03:36 EDT



[] On Behalf Of Elliot Braun
Sent: Saturday, May 12, 2012 9:40 AM
Subject: Re: VECTOR: Atari Tempest issue


I don't have a logic probe. Can you suggest a good yet inexpensive one? Or
a method of testing?


Thanks elliot

On Friday, May 11, 2012, Kevin Moore wrote:

Ok after looking at the schems. You should check the function of H2 LS245 to
make sure the Aux board is getting the signals via the board interconnect.







On Fri, May 11, 2012 at 5:19 AM, Kevin Moore <
<javascript:_e(%7b%7d,%20'cvml',%20'');> > wrote:

Then its most likely a buffer chip not allowing the address and data lines
to talk to the aux. Don't have schematics right now, do you have a logic
probe ?


On May 10, 2012 11:08 PM, "Elliot Braun" <
<javascript:_e(%7b%7d,%20'cvml',%20'');> > wrote:

Yes I have done that twice... Thanks for the suggestion though.



On Thu, May 10, 2012 at 1:14 PM, Rodger Boots <
<javascript:_e(%7b%7d,%20'cvml',%20'');> > wrote:

You keep talking about edge connectors, the usual problem on tempest is the
ribbon cable connectors between the main and aux boards. Where the pins are
soldered to the boards develop very hard to see cracks in the solder. Usual
fix is to wick off the solder and resolder with 63-37 solder (Radio Shack
calls it "high-tech" solder)---best done with the ribbon cable removed.
63-37 has a high resistance to cold solder joints.


On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 11:48 PM, Elliot Braun <
<javascript:_e(%7b%7d,%20'cvml',%20'');> > wrote:

 Ok, here is the latest.


I re-did the interconnect and did a continuity test and all is well. I
re-did the connector on the aux board (blade connector that attaches to side
of the PCB) with all new crimp on ends.


Voltages on Aux are: +22 is +23.6 -22 is -23.5 +5 is +5.06 -5 is -5.06

Voltages on main board are same +-.01

Voltages on Audio board are same +- .01

all voltages taken from the loop lugs


Here is a strange thing: if I disconnect the edge connector on the aux board
the game fires up in to a semi demo mode, full color but things seem to be

When connected it is same old thing, in test mode EPQM is up no response to
spinner. In normal mode spot killer activates.


I am thinking a new aux board may help but it seems so strange that
everything is out on the aux!


Is the 23.5 voltage the cause? If so how do I fix it?


Thank you all for the help so far. Hopefully soon I can try to avoid the
spikes again!




On Tue, May 8, 2012 at 5:28 PM, Matt J. McCullar <
<javascript:_e(%7b%7d,%20'cvml',%20'');> > wrote:

All those letters make me think that the CPU board believes the Auxiliary
board isn't connected. Make SURE the Aux board is getting +5 volts. Reseat
all the socketed chips on the Aux board (as in, pull them out, clean
contacts, reinstall them). Clean contacts on edge connectors with an
eraser. Reseat the Molex connectors on the Reg/Audio II board. (Also
reseat all the EPROMs on the CPU board.)


Avoid spikes!


Matt J. McCullar

Fort Worth, TX






Elliot Braun
Smart Computer Care
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