I don't know if there are any wires on this board, but if one of those is
positioned near or on a pin it can poke through the insulation.
On Jul 4, 2012 2:05 PM, "vectorlist-steve" <vectorlist@arcadehacking.com>
> Be sure to push on the empty sockets during this test too. Apply
> pressure from the top, sides and with a bit of a twist to see if you can
> either reproduce the short or eliminate it.
> On 7/3/2012 11:26 PM, Zitt Zitterkopf wrote:
> get some aligator clips on your meter.... attach it to the 5V/gnd test
> points.
> Gently flex the board. if the short disappears... I’d try to isolate it to
> an area of the board... then begin looking for shorting pins and such. both
> sides of the board.
> I’m guessing you’ve either got pins shorting together somewhere.... a
> metal “shaving” shorting the lines... or legs of a transistor “twisted” to
> a close short.
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