As long as the tube size is correct, the angle, and the neck size plus
pinout are good. It's pretty simple. Swap the yoke, and square the picture
up. No convergence should take you less than 10 mins to swap.
On Thu, Jul 12, 2012 at 5:18 PM, Andre Huijts <> wrote:
> I am looking into replacing the tubes on the -801 in my Lumar Lander and
> spare -802 that will probably go in my Asteroids shell.
> I know it is supposed to be a lot easier than replacing a color tube but
> does anybody have hands on experience with it ? What should I look out for ?
> I am looking to replace them with used tubes from old TVs. (A50-120W,
> datasheet here: ).
> I know they won't be fresh but they don't have any burn in. I already
> bought one TV with this tube but it still has to come over from Germany,
> and I'm currently hunting another one her in Holland. This size is pretty
> hard to find, you see much more very small (portable) or very large BW TS
> on offer.
> I know fresh tunes are available from the US but they are pretty expensive
> and the shipping and import duties are going to kill the fun....
> So I saw this as a good alternative. Is there any step by step guide how
> to do it ?
> Thanks, André
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