Re: Sidam Asterock wont coin up

From: Andre Huijts <>
Date: Fri Oct 12 2012 - 17:48:15 EDT

Hey I happen to own a working Asterock :)

I remember that this has puzzled Andreas who fixed my Asterock boardset too. He repaired it up to working attract mode but couldn't coin it up whatever he tried. In the end, he just shipped it back to me in the hope that it would just work in the cabinet. Which it indeed did, and still does.....

The inputs of Asterock expect a +5V instead of a shorting to the GND !! However, we knew this but still Andreas couldn't credit it when he shorted +5V to the inputs.........

I never investigated it further because works in the cab....:)

I do assume you have the schematics ?

Verstuurd vanaf mijn iPad

Op 12 okt. 2012 om 23:35 heeft Andrew Welburn <> het volgende geschreven:

> Yes indeed, all roms verify with the ones in Mame. Verified in-circuit with crc32's.
> Andrew Welburn (mobile)
> On 12 Oct 2012, at 22:06, vectorlist-steve <> wrote:
>> Andy,
>> Have you verified your roms/eproms ?
>> On 10/12/2012 2:02 PM, Andrew Welburn wrote:
>>> All inputs operate properly, slam, diag step, test, hyper, rot left, rot right, thrust fire, start1, start2.. Each one beeps as an input in test mode, as well as reads properly at its correct address through the cpu socket (on my fluke) none are stuck...
>>> Andrew Welburn (mobile)

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