Why not go with a DATA IO 29B with 2B unipack and do all the old
stuff:) They use to sell cheap.
On 12/5/2012 19:16, Darren Finck wrote:
> John-- I have had one of those for about a year now. I've programmed
> EPROMs with it from 2716 (not TMS2716...) to 27C080, including 2732
> and 2732A, and 2532. I even built an adapter to read (but not
> program) the video decoder PROMs on Williams boards (sorry... raster
> topic...) I've read about prople making tri-voltage adapters (and
> external sources for -5 and +12) to read TMS2716 and 2708, but haven't
> tried that (yet).
> I've found that while the software "warns" you that you'll need the AC
> adapter to program many older EPROMs, it works just fine (for me) from
> USB power alone. Maybe once I've had to plug it in to get something
> to program(?). It's USB-only, and works well in Windows (XP on my
> netbook is what I use). I found the software straight-forward.
> Easier to understand and use that most older DOS-based programmer
> software, IMO.
> I've also used it for reading/writing battery-backed RAMs and
> timekeeper modules (Dallas, etc.) and a serial EEPROM. No problems.
> One feature this unit lacks, that many others have, is the ability to
> test TTL ICs and SRAMs.
> Darren
> --- On *Wed, 12/5/12, John Robertson /<pinball@telus.net>/* wrote:
> From: John Robertson <pinball@telus.net>
> Subject: Re: VECTOR: VERY nice EPROM programmer...
> To: vectorlist@vectorlist.org
> Date: Wednesday, December 5, 2012, 1:19 PM
> I am looking at these programmers - sold locally (to me) here in
> Vancouver, BC, Canada (west coast of).
> http://www.mcumall.com/comersus/store/comersus_dynamicIndex.asp
> Anyone play with one? I like the range of devices and that it is
> powered and programmed by the USB port alone, not like the other
> Willem programmers that need a parallel port for the data and the
> USB port is only used for power.
> May try to visit with the distributor next time I am in their area
> - only about ten K east of me.
> John :-#)#
> --
> John's Jukes Ltd. 2343 Main St., Vancouver, BC, Canada V5T 3C9
> Call (604)872-5757 or Fax 872-2010 (Pinballs, Jukes, VideoGames)
> www.flippers.com <http://www.flippers.com>
> "Old pinballers never die, they just flip out"
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