I've got a G08 that was working great for many years, and survived several trips to the CA Extreme show through the years that I have owned it (it's in a Star Trek upright). Been working on it off and on since the failure back around Halloween...
I've been posting on KLOV, but thought I'd also post here.
My initial symptom was horizontal collapse with the picture all of the way off to the right of the screen. But after a new cap kit, check of the MPSU transistors (Q601-604 and Q701-704) out of circuit and then replaced on the deflection board as they tested OK, reflowing of several solder joints, detection of a bad solder trace between pin 1 on the HV main connection and an adjacent resistor (fixed with a jumper), and replacement of the 2n6259 with new ones, replacement of cracked resistor on one of the paddle boards (in the 700 circuit), I now get smoke when I fire it up and it I've blown 2 more of the 6259s (the same one each time in the Q700 circuit).
Any help for a long-time collector but relative newbie to the vector list with moderate monitor repair experience? :)
I sure hope to have this machine back up and running by the next CAX as a lot of folks play it each year! Plenty of time until July, right? ;)
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Received on Wed Dec 26 02:08:57 2012
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