Lewis D'Aubin wrote:
>> Its under 'omega race strange issue'.. But I never got a reply.. Is
>> there a different area that handles even or odd bits off the spinner
>> or something along those lines?
> I really don't think it's the spinner decode circuit; this happens in
> attract mode as well.
> I believe it's a RAM issue, but I don't have the schematic drawing
> either... anyone got any ideas?
> -Lewis
> > Here's a short movie showing what it's doing:
> _http://youtu.be/SYn24St00XQ
> _
Schematics are considered essential for fixing these sort of
problems...("Hey buddy, wanna buy an original manual?")
What you have is something is wrong in the Negative X and Negative Y
vector rendering. If you watch your ship only when it is turned in the
area between 6 & 9 O'Clock do you have the problems.
This is unlikely to be the image Eprom as the image is correct for the
other three quadrants and all that is tucked away in the image Eprom are
three or four images for the ship as rotated from horizontal to 45
degrees. After that everything is done with the electronic equivalent of
Not having time to do the troubleshooting for you at least these clues
should help you narrow down the part of the circuitry that is responsible.
Good hunting!
As for schematics have you checked
http://www.cityofberwyn.com/manuals/index.htm? (seems real slow today)
or KLOV.com
http://www.arcade-museum.com/game_detail.php?game_id=8920 (yup, there is
the manual in PDF...)
John :-#)#
-- John's Jukes Ltd. 2343 Main St., Vancouver, BC, Canada V5T 3C9 Call (604)872-5757 or Fax 872-2010 (Pinballs, Jukes, VideoGames) www.flippers.com "Old pinballers never die, they just flip out" --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Unsubscribe, subscribe, or view the archives at http://www.vectorlist.org ** Please direct other questions, comments, or problems to chris@westnet.comReceived on Wed Dec 26 16:46:22 2012
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