Re: Wells Gardner 6100 issue in my Black Widow!

From: Chuck <>
Date: Sun Jan 13 2013 - 11:35:44 EST

        Congrats on getting it up and running and bullet proofing it on top of it all. It sounds like you went through it very methodically and carefully inspected the whole thing as you went.


On Jan 13, 2013, at 12:00 AM, Grant Thienemann wrote:

> Hey Guys,
> I want to respond to this and let everyone know this was solved,
> though I'm not 100% sure what fixed it, I have a good idea though.
> I went out an googled the WG6100 FAQ and made my own "kit" to
> upgrade/fix/rebuild my WG6100, which included everything from Caps,
> resistors, transistors, and diodes.
> I spent about 4 hours today rebuilding the chassis, taking my time to
> make sure everything was done correctly. In doing so I noticed a
> couple of things about this monitor:
> 1st: It was missing the R903 resistor in the HV cage. This is what I
> think caused my blooming.
> 2nd: The flyback was oblivious new but it was BARELY soldered onto the HV PCB
> 3rd: Whoever rebuild this chassis only replaced the caps that had gone
> bad, and nothing else.
> 4th: The chassis actually already had the LV6100 installed, so I now
> have two spare LV2000 lites, probably not a bad thing
> 5th: The replacement caps where made by CDE which I've heard multiple
> people complain about.
> When I did all the recommended upgrades in the FAQ I noticed item 1
> and installed a resistor there. It's interesting you could see where
> there was still solder there from the original resistor. In putting
> everything together to fix my WG6100, I ordered only Panasonic caps
> for this chassis, yes it drive up the cost, but it was well worth in
> my opinion, I figure if your going to fix it, do it right and invest
> in parts that will work on the long haul.
> Hopefully this will help someone in the future. I did mess up on
> thing, I stupidly mess with R918 the HV adjustment pot, but I had just
> gotten a Fluke 77 with a HV 40K Probe, so I finally got to use that
> tonight, what was . . . interesting, and a bit terrifying if I'm
> honestly, but I was able to dial the WG6100.
> Thanks
> Grant
> On Thu, Jan 10, 2013 at 10:28 PM, Arcadius Stempak <> wrote:
>> Kirk,
>> Try this (if you not already done so)...
>> I ran into a very similar issue after recapping my HV Cage in an Old Tempest
>> 10 years ago.
>> Check the Transistors connected to the HV Cage themselves which should be
>> Insulated
>> Insulated with a piece of MICA or some similar item.
>> Long story short, be sure that the Insulator(s) are Good in the HV Cage
>> Transistors.
>> My issue with Tempest was much like yours, when All Colors combined in the
>> Attract Mode Screen
>> which created the work TEMPEST in the color White, I would get an Instant
>> Blooming Effect
>> Once I replaced the Suspect Insulators in my HV Cage - problem solved.
>> _Arcadius
>> ________________________________
>> From: Kirk Spradling <>
>> To:
>> Sent: Wednesday, January 9, 2013 7:59 AM
>> Subject: Re: VECTOR: Wells Gardner 6100 issue in my Black Widow!
>> Not a specific solution however when the screen size increases, it is
>> typically related to decreased high voltage. If you haven't done so
>> already, I would replace the electrolytic capacitors on the deflection board
>> and in the high voltage cage.
>> The 6100 FAQ may have some usefull information as well.
>> Kirk S.
>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Grant Thienemann"
>> <>
>> To: <>
>> Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2013 10:20 PM
>> Subject: VECTOR: Wells Gardner 6100 issue in my Black Widow!
>>> Hey Guys,
>>> Me . . . again . . . I got the G08 straightened out, well almost,
>>> but anyway, I picked up a Black Widow this weekend, and I have had a
>>> WG6100 that I was going to put in it and whenever the 6100 goes white,
>>> the image expands, and actually whenever you use any of the colors
>>> together, other than red, green, and blue, the image starts to expand!
>>> Here is a video I made of the issue:
>>> Any help would be highly appreciated!
>>> Thanks
>>> Grant
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