Re: sencore cr70 repair

From: Darren Finck <>
Date: Mon Jan 14 2013 - 22:16:09 EST

I have a Sencore CR31 I'm working on right now, with a very similar problem.  I took it apart, and found that the pot for green balance was bad.  Took the pot apart to check it out, and the carbon resistive layer was eaten completely through.  Couldn't find an exact replacement, so I've got what I hope to be a workable replacement on order.


--- On Mon, 1/14/13, Joey Oravec <> wrote:

From: Joey Oravec <>
Subject: VECTOR: sencore cr70 repair
Date: Monday, January 14, 2013, 2:55 PM

Does anybody know of somewhere in the USA that can repair and calibrate Sencore CR70 CRT rejuvinators? Mine has something wrong on the green cutoff test. The needle spikes low and cannot be adjusted.
I'd consider digging in and trying to fix it, but there are a bunch of adjustable pots and I didn't see a calibration or self-test procedure in the user manual or the repair manual. Without a self-test or calibration it seems like a shotgun repair might end up doing it more harm than good.
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