No video on battlezone cabaret

From: Mitch Patenaude <>
Date: Sun Jul 14 2013 - 02:12:31 EDT

I've got an BZ cabaret at california extreme (an arcade show in
California), and it stopped displaying anything on the monitor tonight...
plays blind. Opening the back I don't see any spot killer LED, but I also
don't see any neck glow. (I also couldn't hear any chatter, but it's pretty
loud there, so I might not have been able to..)

My first thought was fuses. It looks like the 60vac supply to the monitor
is unfused in the main fuse block, but there are some fuses in the monitor
itself. F100 and F101 (5A SB) look like likely candidates, as does F102 (1A
SB). Anything else I should check? Assuming it is one of the fuses, am
I ok just replacing the fuse and seeing if it blows again, or should I wait
and do a full cap-kit first?

   -- Mitch Patenaude

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