K6100 bottom half of vertical collapsed, sometimes would work after warming
Checked Q606 (2n3792) on right side of monitor with diode test. Tested ok.
Swapped chassis with known good, problem went away.
Visual inspection shows someone in the past had re-soldered the headers but
didn't add new solder to pin 7 of P600.
Removed solder from all headers and re-soldered with new solder.
Tested good.
K6100 top half of vertical collapsed.
Same frame as above so known good frame transistors.
Visual inspection showed cracked solder joint at pin 1 of P600.
Removed solder from all headers and re-soldered with new solder.
Tested good.
Sometimes you get a softball J
Also passing along a cheat sheet I made to help me remember which transistor
does what and goes where.
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Received on Sun Aug 25 20:04:05 2013
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