Strangeness in Red Baron

From: Grant Thienemann <>
Date: Mon Sep 16 2013 - 15:32:08 EDT

Hey Guys,

I'm going to be looking at this tonight with an Atari Catbox to see if I
can pin point this but I wanted to also see if anyone else had this issues
before with Red Baron.

I have three issues currently with my Red Baron that I need to fix. Now
annoyingly I don't get any error codes or math box problems in test mode
which is frustrating, so it must be doing that part correctly. Here are my
current issues:

1st. Its extremely difficult to turn the plane left and the slightest push
in the X Axis makes the plane zoom up and down, I can gradually turn right.

2nd. For me to destroy anything I have to shoot to the Left of the object
I'm wanting to destroy.

3rd. I will literally get a bullet in the face from no where, I will be
dodging bullets and a bullet that looks like its going to miss me by a mile
soundly nails me in the face, and then bullets that head right for me,
don't collide with me.

I have the memory mades for Red Baron and I'm going to check everything
with the Cat Box tonight, and report back my findings, I was just curious
to see if anyone else has seen these issues before.


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