Maybe planning for a possible cabinet like Asteroids Deluxe where the
monitor is bounced off a mirror?
On Sep 27, 2013 1:40 PM, "Grant Thienemann" <>
> Looking at the pin outs now it looks like it would be outputting audio to
> one of the coin counters maybe that is why you disconnected it? I'm still
> trying to figure out what the Invert X is for.
> On Fri, Sep 27, 2013 at 2:36 PM, Darren Finck <> wrote:
>> I have actually done this. I disconnected the coin door, just to be safe.
>> I forget what in the pinouts made me think there was a risk with the coin
>> door connected.
>> Grant Thienemann <> wrote:
>> Hey Guys,
>> First can I test a Lunar Lander PCB in an Asteroid cabinet? I know I
>> can't play the game, but just looking at the pin out the +5, GND, +36VAC,
>> SENSE and the XY out, they are the same except for an Invert X at pin 19.
>> Second does anyone have a populated lunar lander control panel, marquee
>> and wiring harness the would be willing to sell me? I can offer boards in
>> trade, artwork,maybe even an entire game in trade, thinking my working
>> Wizard of Wor off the top of my head. basically trying to say is we can
>> work something out!
>> Thanks
>> Grant
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