Re: 2N3716 vs. 2N3716X

From: Jeffrey Matthews <>
Date: Mon Sep 30 2013 - 20:15:00 EDT
You are correct. There is no LV replacement available for the 6400.... the voltages are different.

I am rebuilding the LV section of the 6400 using more robust components, ie. metal film resistors where carbon were used, etc....

I could not find any more information with regards to the "X" versions of the 2N3716 and no information at all on the 2N3792X version.

Thanks for the input though and if anyone has the spec sheets for these "X" versions, I would greatly appreciate a PDF if possible..... :-)

Thanks again

On 9/30/2013 7:40 PM, David Shoemaker wrote:
Your also off by 300 on the monitor.

The lv2000 is for the 6100 the original question was about the uber rare 6400 which I don't think has a LV upgrade available.

David  :-)=

From: John Robertson
Sent: ‎9/‎30/‎2013 3:54 PM
Subject: Re: VECTOR: 2N3716 vs. 2N3716X

LV2000 - only off by 1000, hardly a big difference! (ducking)

Interesting, there is now an LV2000 -Light.

John ;-#)#

On 09/30/2013 12:17 PM, David Shoemaker wrote:
Is there a lv1000 for the 6400?

David  :-)=

From: John Robertson
Sent: ‎9/‎30/‎2013 10:45 AM
Subject: Re: VECTOR: 2N3716 vs. 2N3716X

On 09/29/2013 5:40 AM, Jeffrey Matthews wrote:
> Hi;
> I searched the usual forums (and Google) but did not find much
> information regarding a 2N3716 vs. 2N3716X transistor as used in the
> WG6400 application. I found a spec sheet (after some searching) for a
> 2N3716X and the only difference that I can find, (it is an abridged
> spec sheet - not complete) is that the 2N3716 has a hfe 0f 4.0 to
> ----, (no end number given) and the "X" has a hfe of 50 to 200.
> Is it safe to assume the "standard" transistor will work in place of
> the "X" version?
> Does anyone have full spec sheets for the 2N3716X and the 2N3792X
> transistors?
> Thanks in advance.
> Jeff

"X" was the extended range (special selection). I see no need for it if
you have the LV1000 kit installed...

John :-#)#

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