Going from memory since my repair log is at home but I remember M8 causing similar problems on one troublesome AVG and have seen 74 “S” or “LS” 32s in that position. I remember it was weird with the vectors “twitching” and working around the signal paths through that IC or changing from LS to S or vice versa was the cure. I remember the M8 designator because it was a really weird one and it stuck in my brain.
Maybe this helps to point you in the right direction.
From: owner-vectorlist@vectorlist.org [mailto:owner-vectorlist@vectorlist.org] On Behalf Of David Shoemaker
Sent: Monday, October 21, 2013 2:30 PM
To: vectorlist@vectorlist.org
Subject: RE: VECTOR: Battlezone game mode vector mess
Sounds like a great idea for a test rom. Unfortunately not in the current bz software.
David :-)=
From: Joel Griffin Dodd <mailto:griffindodd@gmail.com>
Sent: 10/21/2013 9:22 AM
To: vectorlist@vectorlist.org
Subject: Re: VECTOR: Battlezone game mode vector mess
Are there vector tests you can run on individual test points?
I'm troubleshooting a Star Wars vector issue at the moment, you can probe various tabs on the vector board and check for the correct patterns on an O-Scope by cycling through dip switch settings in test mode.
Perhaps BZ has a similar feature?
On Sun, Oct 20, 2013 at 7:32 PM, David Shoemaker <davids@oz.net> wrote:
Working on a BZ boardset.
Self test passes clean and has a nice stable picture.
Fluke shows all roms / rams good (including long ram test).
Known good Aux board and cable.
Swapped the state machine prom with known good.
Game mode runs fine but the vectors are only about 50% correct. It’s like each “frame” draws to some point then loose there mind going scrambled (IE when it’s showing the HS’s they are all fine but most of the rest of the screen is garbage.
A short clip of what I am seeing is attached.
I have being going over the vector state machine with a B&K logic comparator but no luck on anything solid.
Suggestions welcome.
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