At least his vectors are straight... although the video does show a nasty dancing issue only on certain characters/objects (letters, but the death stars are stable). I have a fresh tube NOS thanks to another member in my SW, and the vectors still aren't as square and straight as the ones in the video that was posted. X's and A's are diagonal, HV is relatively solid and dialed in to 19.5KV.
Although my screen presentation is really nice and bright, the crooked verticals and overshoot on say the red turrets in the trench scene really bother me. The shields indicator on my game looks like it's laced with velvet rope. On the other hand, the star wars logo and green sloping text on the attract are nearly perfect!
Trying this on a WG6100 I have isn't conclusive as the crude dot pitch of the monitor doesn't show anything for certain.
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Received on Wed Mar 5 19:42:11 2014
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