On Fri, 19 May 2000, Paul Sommers wrote:
> for each section I'll post the section to the list for feedback and
> additional information (unless the majority of people here don't want me to
> - LMK because the initial response was much lower than I expected - maybe it
> belongs on RGVAC).
Or perhaps put it up on the web and just post a link ?
My lack of response was because I didn't really have anything to contribute
-- I would be looking for this document also.
Oh -- here's my pearl of wisdom: If a board isn't working, consider any
previous repair work suspect. If they other guy knew what he was doing, the
board would be working.
Chris Candreva -- chris@westnet.com -- (914) 967-7816
WestNet Internet Services of Westchester
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Received on Thu May 18 19:33:56 2000
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