Kurt Mahan wrote:
> "Assuming we're talking about the same Congo Bongo board set.."
> Looking at a working Congo Bongo board (and assuming we're talking about
> the top board and we're looking at the two sockets UNDER the sound board):
> U4 (closer to the middle of the board) is a Z80A (NEC 780)
> U9 (right next to the P2 connector) is a "IC Controller Chip" G501564
> Hope you're only missing the Z80..
> U29 is either a 74LS04 on the top board or a 74S163 on the video board..
Thanks for the help Kurt! Perhaps I can clarify what I'm looking for.
I found this picture of a Congo boardset from a completed Ebay auction
after I posted last night:
The chip I am referring to is on the left hand board in the picture (the
board with the heatsink labeled "Volume Control"). It is the second
chip up from the bottom right hand corner of the board. It is the only
socketed 40 pin chip on the entire board. That socket appears to be
stenciled "U29" on my board, but I could be mistaken.
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