Ok -- you've got the Control Board II set. (2 boards instead of 3 boards)..
So according to the book U29 should be a Z80A. (U18 should be one, too..)
U18 - Z80A
U97 - 8225A-5
U29 - Z80A
U30 - IC Controller Chip G501564
> Kurt Mahan wrote:
> >
> > "Assuming we're talking about the same Congo Bongo board set.."
> >
> > Looking at a working Congo Bongo board (and assuming we're talking about
> > the top board and we're looking at the two sockets UNDER the sound board):
> >
> > U4 (closer to the middle of the board) is a Z80A (NEC 780)
> > U9 (right next to the P2 connector) is a "IC Controller Chip" G501564
> >
> > Hope you're only missing the Z80..
> >
> > U29 is either a 74LS04 on the top board or a 74S163 on the video board..
> >
> Thanks for the help Kurt! Perhaps I can clarify what I'm looking for.
> I found this picture of a Congo boardset from a completed Ebay auction
> after I posted last night:
> http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=433696872&ed=968806374
> The chip I am referring to is on the left hand board in the picture (the
> board with the heatsink labeled "Volume Control"). It is the second
> chip up from the bottom right hand corner of the board. It is the only
> socketed 40 pin chip on the entire board. That socket appears to be
> stenciled "U29" on my board, but I could be mistaken.
> Noel
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