Frogger - 8255 Question

From: Tim Tewalt <>
Date: Fri Jan 05 2001 - 12:25:23 EST


I'm new to the list, but have been collecting since 1994. I was never a big
contributor to rgvac, but did meet and deal with a lot of great people from
that newsgroup. Maybe some of you have migrated here? I recognize quite a
few names from the vector list I joined a while back.

Anyway, I recently picked up a Frogger for my soon to be wife. It worked
fine until I cleaned up the coin door wiring (along with some other
repairs), which was kind of a mess. Now, it chugs through the attract mode
just fine, but won't coin up.

+5V bus looks quite good. Control panel inputs to the 8255 look OK. Reset
and CS lines look OK. I think the address lines are OK. I have no previous
experience with 8255's, but from what I've read, they're configured and
controlled by the Z80 (which I swapped since it was socketed).

Is there something else I should check before clipping out the 8255 and


Tim Tewalt
Colorado Springs

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