Re: Monitor Tube Substitution chart?

From: Mark E Davidson <>
Date: Mon Jan 29 2001 - 20:13:01 EST

I have a manual for everything else (read older) but not for this Wico thing


Jon Raiford wrote:

> Do you have a manual? You will want to look at the pinouts on the tube, but most likely it will work fine. I hope to put together some kind of substitution chart at some point, but I have no clue when I would have time.
> Jon
> At 04:56 PM 1/29/2001 -0800, you wrote:
> >Has anyone ever taken the time to generate a Monitor Tube substitution
> >chart for Raster screens? I have at least one of every known WG or
> >Electrohome series monitor and many of them could use a new tube due to
> >burn. I acquired a Wico monitor that his totally shot but has A nice ,No
> >burn tube that I would love to pop onto a different working chassis if I
> >knew which monitor would accept the tube. It is a Gold star
> >A48KMX02XX-24 Suggestions? Or am I heading into uncharted waters
> >
> >-=Mark=-
> >
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