Re: Monitor Tube Substitution chart?

From: Noel Johnson <>
Date: Mon Jan 29 2001 - 22:47:58 EST

You can often tell by looking at the neckboard if the pinout is the
same. Most TV neckboards that I have seen from that era (early to mid
80's) have some abreviations near the solder point for each pin of the
socket on the neckboard. Compare those to the notations on a G07 or
WG4600/4900 neckboard and see if you can determine whether the pinouts
are identical. Note that different manufacturers use slightly different
abreviations for the same thing.


Mark E Davidson wrote:
> Has anyone ever taken the time to generate a Monitor Tube substitution
> chart for Raster screens? I have at least one of every known WG or
> Electrohome series monitor and many of them could use a new tube due to
> burn. I acquired a Wico monitor that his totally shot but has A nice ,No
> burn tube that I would love to pop onto a different working chassis if I
> knew which monitor would accept the tube. It is a Gold star
> A48KMX02XX-24 Suggestions? Or am I heading into uncharted waters
> -=Mark=-
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Received on Mon Jan 29 20:09:41 2001

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