I found a manual scan here...
And Bob Roberts has replacement Kortek flybacks for $25. One monitor was
marked "bad flyback" when I got it and after plugging it in to test it out,
I believe it.
As a general monitor question, the 160 volts comes out of the flyback and
then through the circuit? So if a component was bad, it would on the fuse
side away from the flyback, correct?
Lastly, does anyone know why arcade monitors are so expensive? I new 19"
TV is $120 from Best Buy. Yet a new 19" arcade monitor with no housing,
no tuner and no remote is $185 or so. Is it just economies of scale? Or a
captive market?
At 08:04 AM 10/17/2001 -0700, you wrote:
>I have some schematics of these monitors (and other odd-ball ones from the
>70's). Unfortunately the common problem is the flyback shorts out. I have
>no spares of these. We usually drop in an Electrohome monitor when these
>Korteks die...
>We do sell a LOPT/Flyback test meter kit and a capacitor ESR meter kit for
>servicing monitors, check our site for more info on these @ www.flippers.com
>John :-#)#
>At 07:48 AM 10/17/01, you wrote:
>>I did some searching for Kortek schematics a while back and found a site
>>in Australia that had a lot of information about the monitors. You may
>>want to search the net to find this site so you could ask the guy who
>>runs it. As it turns out, the schematics I was looking for were not
>>available online, so Kortek actually emailed a vector drawing of it for
>>us. So you might even ask the source if they can offer any help. Maybe
>>they have a flow diagram you could use.
>>At 10:28 AM 10/17/2001 -0400, you wrote:
>> >I have two of these (both a 13" and a 19") that have bad monitor boards. I
>> >have just started looking at them and they both have blown fuses (F602).
>> >Has anyone worked on a lot of these monitors? Is there a specific component
>> >that dies most of the time? What would cause F602 to blow? It looks to me
>> >that it's used on the 160 volt circuit. The 160v comes out of the flyback
>> >so I should be looking for a shorted component on the side of the fuse away
>> >from the flyback, right?
>> >
>> >Thanks for any suggestions.
>> >
>> >Werner Sharp
>> >sharpw@bellsouth.net
>> >
>> >
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