I try to lay the board on a flat surface with an overhang (edge of the work
bench) and then move the board & flex it (downward) until the error appears.
This helps limit the flex area to the section directly over the edge of the
workbench. But are you sure it is a soldered in component & not a socket
> I've got a couple of boards with intermittent graphics problems that go
> when the board is flexed, which leads me to conclude that I've got a cold
> solder joint somewhere that needs to be reflowed. But for the life of me,
> can't figure where it is -- I've tried just wiggling components, but that
> doesn't seem to narrow it down (wiggling different components seems to fix
> it different times).
> Are there any tricks for figuring out where on the board the problem lies?
> don't have any schematics, otherwise I'd try to track it down based on the
> symptoms, rather than just blindly wiggling the parts...
> Thanks,
> -atw
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