Re: Looking for Datasheet (or pinouts) for Harris 7681 PROM

From: John Robertson <>
Date: Sun Jul 07 2002 - 12:55:06 EDT

cross-reference for PROMs shows that an 82S181 is the same device. Google
search for pinout yields that pins 18, 19, 20, and 21 are Chip Selects -
and it appears that pin 20 and 21 are both high Chip Selects.

If you have a regular Eprom programmer, you should be able to read this
device if you can read 2532's. Note that the memory block will be buried in
the upper section of the buffer, just clip it and store as the bit of data
that you need. I think the '181 is a 512byte device, and as the 2532 is a
4k you should see a 512 byte block of data there. Thus you can avoid making
an adapter!

I have often used the reading of an Eprom setting that has address lines
that overlay the Chip Selects (on a particular PROM) an easy way to get the
data out. As long as the Address lines for the PROM and the Eprom match
your data will come out in order when the Chip Selects are caught by the
remaining Address lines.

John :-#)#

At 08:32 AM 07/07/2002 +0100, Dave Langley wrote:

>Hi ...
>The subject says it all ....
>I'm looking for a Datasheet (or pinouts) for a Harris 7681 PROM
>Dave Langley
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Received on Sun Jul 07 10:02:20 2002

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