Look for Mayday schematics, these are the same...AFAIK that is. I think I
have a set at the shop...
John :-#)#
At 08:01 PM 12/05/2003 +0100, Dave Langley wrote:
>Hi ...
>I'm looking for an original or copy of the Taito Defender Schematics and
>anything else related to this game.
>I have a board which is non working and I want to restore it ....
>The CPU board is an (almost) exact copy of the later series Defender board
>and is also shown in the colony 7 Manual, the top board (ROM, Sound and
>Widget) is unique and is different to the one in the C7 manual. Can
>anyone help?
>If anyone has them it might help if I have the 2 board bootleg defender
>schematics too ...?
>Thanks in advance!
>Dave Langley
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