Well, I successfully rescued a Space Tactics and drove it 433 miles to get
it back home :)
After replacing a fuse, it's mostly working, except for the Sega 16"
monitor. Right now, the picture is fine but the colors are badly skewed.
For example, when it should display a green screen, the middle horizontal
region is green, but the top is blue and bottom is red :(. This seems like
a color purity problem, but I'm wondering how it got that way. The yoke
seems to be in the original position, and I think the yoke rings are too.
So, would you think the yoke rings slipping would cause this? Or maybe a
different electrical problem in the monitor itself. (Power Supply?)
One other possible clue is that the proper focus is acheived with the focus
pot almost all the way to one extreme. Maybe that's normal though.
I'm still trying to match this monitor with some manual or schematic as
Thanks for any clues,
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Received on Fri Apr 23 10:07:33 2004
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