Start off with a thorough degaussing, might be all you need. If you do
have to work on this monitor remember it runs off 100 volts, don't just
feed it off a regular isolation transformer.
Frank Palazzolo wrote:
>Well, I successfully rescued a Space Tactics and drove it 433 miles to get
>it back home :)
>After replacing a fuse, it's mostly working, except for the Sega 16"
>monitor. Right now, the picture is fine but the colors are badly skewed.
>For example, when it should display a green screen, the middle horizontal
>region is green, but the top is blue and bottom is red :(. This seems like
>a color purity problem, but I'm wondering how it got that way. The yoke
>seems to be in the original position, and I think the yoke rings are too.
>So, would you think the yoke rings slipping would cause this? Or maybe a
>different electrical problem in the monitor itself. (Power Supply?)
>One other possible clue is that the proper focus is acheived with the focus
>pot almost all the way to one extreme. Maybe that's normal though.
>I'm still trying to match this monitor with some manual or schematic as
>Thanks for any clues,
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